Hydroponic or Organic-Which is Best for You

Posted on: 16 March 2017

Imagine being able to grow any plant, anywhere, during any season. This is what hydroponics proposes to agriculturalists all over the globe. Hydroponics is a form of agriculture that involves growing plants in a soil-less environment. Simply put, growing plants using what they need for growth, and inert materials to hold their roots as they grow. Many people aren't well oriented with hydroponic agriculture. More often than not, too many questions arise about the nature of these crops, their benefits, and even their suitability for consumption. If you were at a farmers' market and saw produce labeled "hydroponic" product and another labeled "organic", chances are that you would not understand what hydroponics bring to the table. Here are a few differences between these crops and the so called "organic produce" that would sway you the hydroponic way. Keep in mind that some people actually consider hydroponics as a form of organic agriculture.

Nutrient content

In hydroponics, the idea is to give specific plants the specific nutrients they need to genetically achieve perfect natural growth. This means that spinach grown in a hydroponic system, or lettuce, can be given exactly every nutrient they require to become the kings and queens of their varieties. In organic systems, nutrient availability is subject to a number of factors. The soil, for a start, would control nutrient availability. Even using organic fertilizers does not always mean your plants are getting all the required nutrients since the bacteria required to break down the fertilizer for absorption may be lacking. With hydroponics, a farmer can buy specific nutrient solutions and add them directly in soluble, easy to absorb, forms to the system. The plants will then absorb all the required nutrients constantly during their growth.


Because of the specificity of hydroponics in many factors of plant growth, almost all plants grown in these systems yield higher than all other systems. With these systems, crops are genetically better, meaning they also produce more. Anyone seeking to plant crops such as lettuce, flowers, legumes, corn, and many many more crops should know that the yield from hydroponics is considerably higher than other systems of agriculture.

PH monitoring and adjustment

It is very easy to forget to monitor the pH of the soil growing organic crops; in fact, probably not many people adjust the soil pH when they grow organic crops--"keeping it natural" they would say. pH, however, is a very critical factor in plant growth. At improper pH levels, plants cannot absorb other nutrients. So irrespective of how rich your soil is, they may produce weakly, or even die. In hydroponics, simply testing, monitoring, and adjusting the circulating solution's pH will ensure those maximum yields. Remember, nutrient lack in plants often leads to nutrient lack in the consumers. With plants grown in such systems, you can be sure that the pH was maintained at optimal levels perfect for each and every nutrient absorption.
